Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

New York Times Interview: Should blood determine who belongs to the Cherokee Nation?

This live discussion was hosted by the New York Times on November 15, 2017 (24 minutes)

“Should blood determine who belongs to the Cherokee Nation? Join our live chat about tribal identity and the legal battle between the Cherokee and the descendants of African-Americans who were once enslaved by the Cherokee.

“Joining us are Marilyn Vann, a descendant who successfully sued the Cherokee Nation for citizenship rights; Jon Velie, the lawyer who represented her and other descendants; and Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. NYT writers Rachel Swarns and John Eligon will take your questions in the comments.”

  • November 17, 2017

New Book: H-1B Application and Approval

The H-1B visa program is currently under significant political pressure, but the U.S. always needs a stream of good talent.

To help you maximize your chances of H-1B success, Jon Velie has put together all his most effective, proven tactics into this new book.

This is real-world, practical guidance gained from his two decades of designing winning applications. Nobody knows more about getting H-1Bs approved than Jon!

Packed with real-world case studies and examples it shows you how you can easily…

  • Build a bulletproof employment letter
  • Navigate the Labor Condition Application & I-129 requirements
  • Avoid the most common mistakes that get petitions thrown out

You will even discover successful tactics that work even when the H-1B cap has been reached!

This is essential reading for anyone who is considering H-1B applications for 2018. H-1B Application and Approval  is packed with practical strategic advice.

Check out the 5-star reviews and order your copy now on

  • October 20, 2017